After the doctor appointment we rushed to the pharmacy to refill my pre-natal vitamins, stopped by campus to drop off my final, made a pit-stop at the house, the g

as station and Subway and we were on the road to New Mexico by 1:30. (To re-cap the events to give a concise picture of what my day was like: Wake up in Portland at 4:30 am, go to airport arrive at 5:30, flight back to SLC 6:50, throw up twice, arrive in SLC at 9:30, drive immediately to Dr's appointment arrive at 11:30, pharmacy stop at noon, campus stop at 12:15, previously mentioned stops between 12:30 and 1:30, driving until 11:30 pm, complete exhaustion and bed 11:35 pm.) Highlights of our trip include: bunny pancakes with Paula and Lydia, Blue Corn Cafe, finding out Tecolote isn't good food (like the Food Network portrayed), eating at the Pantry, meeting up with Brad's friend Mikel Evans at the Pyramid Cafe, Isotopes Baseball game, watching Kung Fu Panda with the family, Brad eating at Blake's, my massage, eating at Maria's with Brian and Tia, playing with Ben and Lydia, going to story time with Tia and the kids, go to the Talent's house for a BBQ with Brian and Tia, Tia's and my adventure at Olive Garden, Brad's sharing of things he has learned in philosophy with his mom, not having to answer the phone or door (like we do at the motel), sleeping in and enjoying time with the family. The one major downside is that there is no air conditioning anywhere which is a big change for Brad and I since we blast the air all day in our apartment. This is one of the main reasons for the adventure Tia and I had at Olive Garden.

After we had all gone to the dark, cool movie theater to watch Kung Fu Panda we came home to a very hot house. Tia and I were both starving and roasting to death and both a little grumpy because of these two situations. No one else seemed to be hungry or bothered by the heat. I quickly realized that no one was very eager to cook anything because they were not hungry and it would make the house just that much hotter. Brad told me that I should take the gift card we got from my parent's for his birthday and take Tia and go to Olive Garden (I was also specifically craving pasta). So, I suggested this to Tia who loved the idea. So we grabbed Ben, without putting pants on him, and ran out the door...we could not wait to be somewhere cool and to be eating some yummy pasta. Once we got there we had a very friendly waitress named Sara. She could tell it was a girl's night out so she pushed the alcohol really hard. We had to refuse several different offers of wine and margaritas, etc. It was funny aside from the fact that we would have refused seeing that I'm pregnant and Tia is nursing and we were trying to stay within the budget of a $25 gift card. To Sara's dismay we both ordered water. Then Sara went into her sales pitch for appetizers, which we again refused repeatedly...we only had $25 to spend! So she finally asked for our order and we both got delicious pasta dishes. We ate bread sticks and soup and salad and talked and told stories and vented our problems and frustrations. We were having such a good time. We worked our way through our pasta dishes that were so yummy and we were both so happy to be eating and to not be dying of heat that we didn't ever think about the bill that was soon to arrive at our table. But come it did, and then a horrible realization hit both of us...what if the bill is more than $25?! I didn't even think about bringing my wallet, I didn't bring anything with me! Tia made the same confession...neither of us had any money, or a cell phone, or pants for the baby! We had been so eager to get out of the house that we had forgotten that you typically need money to pay for services rendered! I picked up the black folder that contained the bill, flipped it open and discovered that we had overspent by 58 cents. Tia ran out to her car to see if she had any spare change...none. And because neither of us had brought our phones, Tia had to get in the car and leave me alone at the table as she ran home to get her debit card to pay the extra 58 cents on our bill. I sat there, hoping that th

e waitress wouldn't walk by, but of course she did. I lied to Sara, I told her that Tia went to the bathroom to feed Ben and that she was paying so it would be a few minutes until she could take the bill. Finally, Tia returned, and we made our escape from Olive Garden with images of us washing dishes left behind. As we drove home we giggled about how silly we were and then saw a perfect bumper sticker to explain what had happened, it read: "I do not suffer from insanity, I enjoy e

very minute of it." We plead insanity from heat, hunger and being pregnant/a mom of 2.
Also on our trip we all enjoyed a pleasant night out at the ball game! We drove to Albuquerque to watch an Isotopes baseball game. They were playing the Cubs. We didn't eat dinner before hand so we got hotdogs and hamburgers and pizza along with huge drink

s and ice was a great game. Once the sun had gone down we really enjoyed the breeze and the 75 degree weather too. It was really refreshing to be able to sit outside, which is something I have really missed since we've worked at the motel. And our home team even won by 4 points, go Topes!
Our plan was to leave Sunday morning so we would be back in Provo Sunday night. But when we got up the trip had just felt too short. So, Brad borrowed some church clothes (I had brought a dress) and we went to church and spent the rest of the day relaxing with the whole family. It was the perfect way to end our vacation. Unfortunately what it meant for Monday is that we had to get up at 3 am to make it back to Provo in time for Brad to get to class. So up we got, and we made it home by 1, finishing the trip the way we had started it...with a Subway sandwich.
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