Well, the news as far as pregnancy goes is that I've been sick as a dog for about a month now, with increasing bouts of vomiting. The good news is that I'm pregnant! I was searching the web to figure out how big my baby is and found a great picture to depict what is going on in my belly; yes, my baby is now the size of a turnip! I wake up each morning and the first thing I do (when I don't run to the bathroom first) is rub my tummy and it seriously feels like it's getting bigger each day! It's wonderful and we can't wait for the baby to come. On June 17 (the day I get back from my Oregon vacation) Brad and I get to go to the doctor's for the ultrasound and hopefully find out (as my mom would say) the flavor of the baby! YAY! In other wonderful news we found out this last weekend that my wonderful brother and his wife are also pregnant and due sometime in January! Congrats!