Our little family, one day before our 4th anniversary. Ruth is 18 months, Will is 5 days and we are on Ritter Island.
Moved to Roosevelt, Provo, the Amenity Inn in Provo, Tigard Oregon, Twin Falls and finally into our house three weeks ago.
Paid off my credit card
Finished our degrees at BYU: me in El Ed and you in Philosophy
Had two children: Ruth in Provo and Will in Twin Falls
Got an amazing job in Twin
Bought our first house
And we've both gained too much weight :)
This is us at an Athlete concert in London, fall 2005. We didn't know what this would turn into!

Just over a year later, vacationing in Seattle, Washington

Another year later at an Isotopes ball game in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I was a couple months pregnant with Ruth.
May 2009 downtown Santa Fe, New Mexico. Ruth was about 6 months old.
Today these were delivered to me. The card said "To four great years of growth and love. You are the Northumberland of my England. -Brad" I wasn't going to explain what this means but I want our kids to understand its significance. He's saying that I am the best part of the best experience of his life. It's sort of like saying you're the apple of my eye.