It is both a verb and a noun: potty. It must be confusing to an almost 2 year old to have her mother say, "Go potty on the potty!" Nevertheless, she is doing great. We started on Monday...without a little potty. That did not go well. I gave up half way through the day, put a diaper on her an went to the store as soon as Brad got home to purchase her a little potty, which she LOVES. I also bought star stickers and skittles. I made her a sticker chart so we could put the stickers up everytime she went but we soon found that she preffered them on her hand.

I did a lot of reading about potty training, and got advice from my two experienced sister-in-laws...well almost nothing anyone had to say applied to Ruth. The main thing I read and heard was NEVER go back to diapers once you start potty training. Well, that's just not practical for us. I would go insane if I didn't leave the house for two weeks. So when we all want to go out we put her in a diaper. When we come home she's in panties, then for bed she's back in a diaper. Surprisingly, she holds it while we're out: on walks, at the grocery store, or out to dinner.

Our best day for potty training was Friday when she had one accident and three successes! And today she pooed for the first time! She is so proud of herself and LOVES the dance parties we have once she's done. Here she is strutting her stuff after success #3 yesterday.

So we started out really rough at the beginning of this week, but things are going much smoother now. The turning point was when I decided it didn't matter how long it took for her to become totally potty trained. She's still really young so it doesn't matter if it takes 6 months. Luckily she's really taken to it and finds great joy in going on the potty.
In other news Brad took us to the corn maze and dinner last night. It was such a nice family outing.