This is the purple dress I made, and I absolutely love it, love it, love it. I wore it to church today and it's so comfy! Speaking of church, we got to sub in primary today and it was so much fun.
And this is the skirt I made. I combined two patterns to do it, so I felt so clever. One pattern was for the skirt which was suppose to be full length. So, I shortened the skirt length and then added a 4 inch flounce to the bottom from another pattern. And if you will also notice, in the background you can see our bookshelf and my chair where I sat to sew these things. Also, on the wall behind me is our new wonderful poster, a painting by Klimt. (Looking at this picture again, it doesn't really do the skirt justice.)
So, for my first go at sewing clothes I'm really happy. My mom had told me that sewing clothes was more "forgiving" than quilting, and boy was she right. I kept thinking I'd messed things up horribly, but I can't even tell in the finished product; whereas in quilting I know I've messed up and you can totally tell in the finished product! I'm having a grand time. Thank you Paula SOOOO much for my sewing machine. I LOVE IT!
Brad's still doing great and loving his job at the hotel. Going to work in the morning and coming home at night is so nice, for all of us. Ruth is always sad to see him leave and ecstatic when he comes home. In Ruth news she now has 4 teeth! There is no more sticking my fingers in her mouth. We finally got her to the doctor and she is 18.1 pounds and 27 1/2 inches long, which puts her in the 75% for height and weight. Unfortunately she is a pin head like me. Her head is in the 25%. She also now enjoys spaghetti and pears, but not together. However, she does like applesauce and carrots!
By the way, congratulations to Austin on you baptism, we're so happy for you!