June 6, 2013
Camping Trip

Molar Pregnancy
Sunday June 2nd Brad and I went to the ER so I could get my molar pregnancy removed. Heavy bleeding started the night before and our scheduled D&C was moved up due to the risk of hemorrhage. We found out a few weeks ago that this pregnancy was molar, which means it was basically a cancer and not a baby, we never saw a heartbeat. I still have to go get my blood drawn every couple weeks now to make sure that the cancer continues to go away and not come back; if it does then I will have to get chemo. Also because of the blood tests we are not allowed to get pregnant for about a year. This was all very difficult emotionally and made for a really rough couple weeks. I'm feeling better now, we've been really well taken care of by my mom and our ward. I'm now really looking forward to losing another 20 pounds and having a fun summer with the kids.