August 30, 2012

Kid Stuff

The other day at the library there were two guys in a crane fixing the street lamp (or something) on the corner. As we walked by Ruth asked what they were doing. I said I didn't know. She responded, "They're fixing the sky!"

Will is in a singing phase. He's doing that two-year-old, sing about anything and everything deal. It's so cute. On our walk home from the park he sang the whole way, "No, not nice. No, not nice," over and over. Last night before bed he was singing about everything he saw on the floor of our messy living room, while simultaneously doing his robot poses and punches and running in circles.

What inspired this post was the fact that I heard Ruth and Will talking to each other (during quiet time) as I was bringing laundry up from the basement. I went to Ruth's room to tell Buddy to get back in his bed...but what I saw was Ruth laying on the floor, talking into the floor vent. I TOTALLY remember doing this as a kid, and it just made me laugh how kid-like my kids are....which sounds dumb, I just mean that they're not babies anymore.

And Claire? She'll be 3 months on Saturday and has completely outgrown her 3 month clothes already. Also, her gut has developed more so I can finally eat dairy without her spitting up everything she eats. HOORAY for ice cream! However, I will be sad to not have a decent excuse to buy almond milk anymore. That stuff is yummy, but half a gallon is more expensive than a whole gallon of normal milk  :`[