Ruth and I are going completely stir crazy. We never go outside anymore because it's too cold and icy...the streets never melted from the first time it snowed a couple weeks ago. Ruth needs to expend some serious energy, we used to go to the park every day so she could run around...and now for weeks we've been cooped up in the house. The other bad effect of this is that we're cranky. Our options for curing cabin fever are either shell out six bucks to go to Hop 2 It or spend money to eat fast food at Arctic Circle so she can play in their tiny play place...all the other fast food places have outdoor play areas. Both options are no good because they involve spending money. I tried to pull out the mini tramp and her red tube to encourage her romping around, but she got bored of them quickly. These are my woes. And poor Will is getting his top two teeth and crankier than ever.