February 6, 2008
For Katie's class we get to care for a couple of Madagascar hissing cockroaches named Mike and Ike. According to the places I did research they are the most child friendly pet. Why? they don't bite, they are easy to care for, easy to handle and weird to look at. Right. Anyways we get to watch them off and on for the rest of the semester. I admit that we both like the idea of having them, It is a new experience. We have also been offered a Ball Python to keep. That is in the consideration box. Have you ever seen one eat?

Concert Night

On the second of February (happy Birthday Mom!) We went to Park City to see Duncan Sheik and David Poe. We went early so Katie could see the city and walk down the streets. It was fun and we got a really simple dinner at Red Banjo Pizza. The concert was very beautiful. Sheik brought a quartet and pianist to play some essential parts of his songs.