April 19, 2011


Well, first we got a new lawn mower! Definitely the best $200 we've spent. Brad was so stoked about how well it works. All last year we borrowed our neighbors mower...and let's just say that the mower was old, and didn't work very well. In comparison this mower is STELLAR! It only took Brad like 5 minutes to mow the front.

Ruth has started yelling "MAMA!" any time she wants me, whether I'm right in front of her or in the next room, she yells. With better weather we have been enjoying lots of side walk chalk time as well as going on jogs and "racing."

Will can balance without holding on to anything and has started to walk with the push toy. He also yells "MAMA" no matter how near or far I am. He also loves the outdoors. He loves to crawl around on the grass and suck on rocks.

I have been working a day or two recently at the hotel, which has afforded us extra spending money for things like a new lawn mower!

Yesterday we rearranged the living quarters. Will has been sleeping in the office in the pack 'n play because the kids were constantly waking each other up during the night. Since separating them they have been sleeping really well. So we moved the computer into the living room and the crib into the old office. We also put the toy box into Will's room and gave Ruth a special reading corner in her room. This arrangement is WAY better for everyone! And we love having the computer in the communal area.