Yesterday we all slept in. But once we got up we all felt pretty cranky. I asked Brad to stay home from work, so he did, (gotta love being married to the boss-man) and we decided we all needed a mental health day. Our plan was to go to the ice caves. As we were driving up there we came upon Mammoth Cave first and decided we'd stop and check it out first. We had such a good time there!
There was also a really cool museum there. My favorite part were all the amazing fossils they had. There was one of a prehistoric crocodile head and its vertebrae. They had amazing artifacts from all over the world that 3 generations of this family had collected.
We finished in the cave and museum around 2 so when we got back in the car the kids were totally out. We decided to let them sleep instead of going into the ice caves and headed up another 30 miles to Hailey to have a late lunch. It was a fabulous day. And once we got home we had a good time relaxing.