I really just wanted an excuse to post these pictures of Ruth. She has, for the most part, gotten over her super clingy phase. In the end it really only lasted 3 or 4 weeks! She's once again playing by herself for part of the day and even wanders off down the hall by herself, it's a miracle! She doesn't even cry when Brad leaves for work...usually. And, best of all, she was babysat by friends who live at our apartment complex...(drum roll please) and she did NOT cry the whole time. She didn't even cry right after I left! She played with Finn (their little 1 year old) and had fun!!!! This is a huge improvement over the last time we tried to go on a date, where she DID cry the whole time. So YAY!

We've been letting her open a few of her Christmas presents early...big mistake...now she sits in front of the tree trying to open all the presents. She also loves to pull the shiny blue and silver ornaments off the tree...and put them in her mouth.

She has learned to climb onto the coffee table, her toy car and the couch, throw a ball, and the names of several objects including: clock, book, Christmas tree, foot, nose, Mama and Daddy. She also likes to wander around with her new mittens on.

Anyways here is what she has been up to recently:
If you listen closely you'll hear Barbara Streisand's "Jingle Bells" playing in the background.