She has also cultivated her slobbering and grasping. I feel worried that she might be teething or "pre-teething" if that's real because she has started to drool on a constant basis...tons of sticky spit. She also is very interested in gnarling on my knuckles. I say gnarling because she does not just suck on them she chews and bites, I would even say attacks my knuckles. Brad pulled down her toys this week and she also went to town on them. I was so excited that she could hold onto the toys. And even more excited once she figured out how to maneuver them into her mouth. It was hilarious because at first she tried getting her fist in her mouth while holding the toy...which wasn't working. But after a few minutes she realized can get just the toy into her mouth; what a smart girl.
In other news I've started running. I was looking at myself yesterday and recognized my face but not my body. I had been exercising before I took my trip to Oregon, but vacation got me out of the habit. And now I'm back on track (more than a month later). Today was a total of 26 blocks, most of it was speed walking but you have to start somewhere. Anyways, I'm feeling good and will hopefully be able to report some weight loss in the next couple months.