June 7, 2011

Ruth and Will's Favorites

Today Ruth told me that she wanted the mail man to bring her a fish for her birthday! Her favorite toy recently have been the wood blocks, she builds elaborate towers and then tells Will to knock them over. She still loves reading and has several of her books memorized and looks forward to our weekly trips to the library. Most recently she has taken an interest in the time; she'll often ask what time it is or tell me that we'll do something at a certain time. She is also cultivating an "interesting" fashion sense, this is mild compared to past outfits.

Will can now say mom, dad, cat, dog and WOW. And he understands those words plus sister, nose, truck, bird, and book...and I'm sure there are others I'm unaware of. He's becoming such a boy! He is fascinated by big trucks, loves playing with toy cars, and spends lots of time in the sand box everyday. He is also so over being fed. He loves to eat but wants to do it all himself. His new favorite is bacon, so manly of him!

We went to the Western Days parade on Saturday and he LOVED all the fire trucks, horses, classic cars and music. Ruth could have cared less about the parade until this year. But this year she enjoyed the horses, cheerleaders and music.