So it's been more than a week since my b-day but it was soooo wonderful so I h

ave to write about it. The best was that Brad totally surprised me with tickets to WICKED! My mom and I went (Brad's not into musicals) and we had such a blast! I hadn't seen the show before and it was marvelous. We were worried when we heard the understudy was playing Glinda, but you wouldn't even know. But the star of the show is definitely Elpheba, her voice was incredible. I just got goosebumps when she sang. I loved at the end of Defying Gravity how she was lifted up into the This show was definitely comparable to Mary Poppins in London. I was so in love with the music I had Brad download it as soon as I got home from the show. Thanks honey!
My parents also got me a beautiful pot of flowers (orange gerbers in the middle surrounded by little purple flowers) and some chairs to put on our deck...yay. Once it gets a little warmer it will be so nice to sit out there, especially since Brad got a grill for his graduation present!

I also got these great oil scents from my bro and sister in

law which we've used up half of. Then my friend Katy Wall came into town for her spring break and she took me and Ruth to the zoo! We had so much fun looking at all the animals.

My favorites were the sealions an the otters. Ruth liked the polar bears and we all loved the birds. It was so amazing.

They were really tame and would fly right up to you and right in front of your face. I was just glad that none of them pooped on Ruth!
I also got my sewing machine and supplies, but that was more of a graduation present from Paula and Asa. I went to my sewing lesson to learn how my machine works and went right home and made a table cloth. It doesn't sound like it would be hard to make a table cloth but I wanted it to look really nice. I stitched over the edges so they won't fray when I wash it and then did a cool decorative stitch with contrasting thread. It looks really pretty.
Thank you everyone for such a great birthday! In other news, Ruth has continued to nap really well (1 to 2 1/2 hours for two or three times a day) and has started rolling over again!