May 3, 2011

Summary of Last Weekend

"The girl married her Prince. The bad guy is dead. It's a real Disney weekend here on Earth."

I read this (here) and had to repeat it, because it is not only true, but hilarious.

**For posterity: the royal wedding of prince William was this weekend (the girl he married was a "commoner") and Osama Bin Laden (responsible for 9/11) was assassinated by U.S. troops.

End of April

Ruth adores her umbrella that Paula sent (she's been wanting one since we visited Oregon and discovered her cousin Brynn's umbrella). Will's under there too, not loving being poked in the face.

We discovered tulips on the side of our house that we've been picking and putting inside, so springy!

Things are good. We're all happy and healthy. And we're looking forward to this month of May: Brad's b-day on the 6th, Will's b-day on the 15th, Brad's 2 year anniversary at this hotel, and our 5th wedding anniversary on the 20th.