Before I get into the cute story: I won't know when I'm due till we go back to the doctor this Tuesday and get an ultrasound to see how far along I am...we're guessing June. This is because I had a miscarriage before this pregnancy so there aren't any base dates to start from.
Last night I made berry cobbler, I had a major craving for it. Ruth had already gone to bed so she didn't have any. But cobbler is the best breakfast EVER, so this morning Ruth and I both had big bowls of it, sans the ice-cream! While I was dressing her I kept telling her it was the best breakfast she'd ever had, and she believed it. After a few bites I said, "Ruth, is that yummy?" She looked at me and said, "Yea!" Then I said, "Do you like it?" And she said, "I do." Then after a few more bites I asked her, "Are you full?" She responded, "MORE!"
Of course, these are all normal sounds that she makes these days, so I'm pretty sure it was complete coincidence that she happened to make the right noise to my question, but it was still adorable.
This is a picture of Ruth during our ward's trunk-or-treat, she happily played in the trunk while I handed out candy.