September 7, 2016

Labor Day with Uncle Matt

Friday we drove out to Tent Rocks (and we dragged Ben and Lydia with us while Brad helped Brian and Tia move). It got pretty hot by the time we were done but it was really fun to be out hiking. We popped by the lake before going back to Santa Fe. When we got there Matt and I took Tia with us to Los Amigos for the best steak and enchiladas.

We had an interesting conversation about Matt's relation to Ben and Lydia. They then dubbed him Uncle Mac and Cheese

Saturday we hiked Petroglyph National Monument and visited the botanical gardens (and the butterfly garden therein).

We found out you can't face swap with a Frankenstein petroglyph

Sunday we drove the Jemez trail and stopped at an old Pueblo. It was surprisingly beautiful with lots of red rocks and greenery from all the rain.