It's okay that I drink milk from the carton. I'm the one who does the dishes and I don't want one more dirty cup when I just needed a swig of milk to wash down the...peanut butter, brownie, etc...
It's okay that the neighbor lady had to come RING MY DOORBELL today because Ruth was wandering around our neighborhood without me knowing it! She's fine, and now I know that I have to lock the storm door as well as the inside door.
It's okay I'm not down to my goal weight yet. I am always so down on my birthday because since I was 16 I've never been the size I wanted to be. At least this year I'm actually working on getting there!
It's okay I usually don't shower until noon (or later). Anyone who has kids and wants to exercise understands that! When it was just Ruth, and I wasn't trying to exercise, I STILL didn't shower until noon, HA!
It's okay I found Will splashing in Ruth's potty, and Ruth using tupperware to scoop out toilet water. It's disgusting but at least urine is sterile and she wasn't drinking the toilet water! Thank goodness for hot water and soap!
It's okay I'm not the perfect...I was going to say mom but I think the better response is "anything." I'm not perfect at anything and instead of being down about it I'm just going to keep trying to be better. Thank you Brad for being such an inspiration.