January 14, 2015

Homeschooling in Humboldt

 While Ruth is at gymnastics and on-site classes I've been doing a lot of schooling activities with Will and Claire. Having Ruth away for a few hours has been nice to really focus on these two and do activities that they want with out big sister taking over!

 The weather has been amazing recently, so the kids and I decided to head down to the bay.

 The work of children. It drives me nuts when I hear parents stop their kids from climbing trees or doing other "dangerous" things!

Claire has decided that she really doesn't like rice and beans or noodles. So I thought maybe some "cooking" time with beans and noodles might change her mind. She absolutely loved it and actually tried to eat the beans and noodles...and then faked that she liked it even though it was obvious through her gritted teeth that it was nasty!
 Of course, once Ruth and Will heard what was going on in the kitchen, they ditched their dice game to come cook too.