Saturday was Joe's graduation from PSU. The plan was to wake up early and be gone by 7 am. Unfortunately the nature of morning sickness is that I am generally sick in the mornings, which made our graduation plan dubious. I had all intentions of going and suffering through, because by now I wasn't vomiting EVERY morning. Unfortunately as I got up this was not to be a non-vomiting morning...and I didn't feel any better once I had. I really wanted to go but the idea of sitting in an auditorium from 8am to at least 1pm seemed very difficult, so my family went off without me and I slept until 11. When I woke up I was feeling much better so I made a fun "welcome home" poster for the boys and brought down the candy posters that I had hidden in my room. (Mom had the great idea to make funny happy graduation posters for the boys using candy bars. Friday night mom, grandma and I made up the posters) I also wrapped their presents. By the time I finished all this everyone was arriving home. We spent the rest of the day eating, playing Settlers and watching silly movies.

Monday was another especially fun day because mom, Matt and I went shopping! We went over to Target and found lots of fun maternity clothes. It was kind of weird because I've been able to comfortably wear my normal clothes until just this week, now if I want to wear my normal jeans I have to keep them unbuttoned!
Tuesday morning was my flight out of Portland. I was very sad to go because the week had flown by so quickly, but I was really excited to see Brad again. The unfortunate part about all this was that I had bought the cheapest ticket home which meant my flight was leaving at 6:50 am, which meant leaving the house no later than 5. By some luck I was actually feeling okay that morning when I got up so I ate some toast, hugged everyone then dad and Matt took me off to the airport. As I was standing in line waiting to check my bag I started feeling queasy. By the time we took off I was feeling really dizzy and horribly nauseous. As we were ascending I pulled out the Target bag from my purse. I opened it up, leaned forward in my seat and pulled the bag over my head so no one could see my face. Needless to say that was one of the most embarassing moments so far in my life. (I forgot to mention that the flight was packed so I was surrounded by people who all got to hear the show.) The mortified girl next to me pushed the call button for the flight attendent who I told loudly,"I'm pregnant" then more quietly said, "I just threw up." I lifted my bag which she snatched and ran back up the aisle. A minute later she returned with another garbage bag a huge pile of napkins and some water. A woman across the aisle looked at me and said, "It's okay, the same thing just happened to my daughter." After this I felt fine for about 30 minutes. Then we began to descend into SLC and for some reason the change made my stomach very upset. So I grabbed for the bag the flight attendant had brought and once again pulled it over my head. I heaved and heaved and this time everyone tried to keep their conversations going and not stare at me, which I appreciated. But for some reason the girl didn't push the button so once I was done I pushed it and had to sit there with my bag of puke until the attendant showed up. She once again whisked the bag away and brought me a replacement. So the beginning of my day was pretty bad, but the rest of it was nice. Read the above entries to see why I say so.
1 comment:
Ha! I remember that, it's not super relevant anymore, but I still think it's funny. And totally not weird that I'm reading 2-year-old posts on your blog at 5:30 in the morning...
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