March 30, 2009


Ruth has really been into toys lately but she has a hard time playing with them because she can't quite sit up on her own. I jerry-rigged this play stand for her from a shelf that we have. This way her toys can hang down at her while she's laying on her back. She seems to like it a lot. I really like that the shelf is on top so she can look up and see her toy that flashes lights to the rhythm of classical music. YAY!

I now must thank Dani and Kamille for informing me that 30 minute naps were not normal. Ruth is now taking two 2+ hour naps a day...HALLELUIA! Now I have time to do the dishes, laundry and read without feeling like a bad mom for neglecting my child who just wants to play. THANK YOU!

We also had a fun outing this last weekend. We went to Chipotle for lunch...DELICIOUS...and then went to a chair outlet store and then to the Home and Garden show at the expo center. It was pretty much for the hippies of Portland but we had fun looking at the organic baby clothes and new designs for electric cars.