We watched the Anderson kids the other night. Ruth got to practice her big sister hold. Both of the kids LOVE Hazel.

We've truly been very happy recently. There has been lots of laughter and happiness. I think a lot of that has to do with being a lot better at living the gospel. We love doing family home evening, prayers have become very important when we're sad, and I don't know HOW I would have explained death to Ruth without the knowledge of the resurrection. (This was one of the most touching mommy moments I have had to date.)

The other day Ruth was very concerned about death. So I explained that we'll all get to live together again, and that we'll be resurrected which means your spirit will be reunited with your body. She was SO relieved to know she wouldn't have to leave mommy and daddy. And was thrilled to realize that we would ALL (yes, including Aunt Tia) live with Heavenly Father if we made good choices. I really don't know I went from being totally overwhelmed with her as a newborn to answering profound gospel questions, when did she grow up?

In lighter subjects, we had a blast at Hop-2-It this week. Will surprised me at how much he has developed since we went last time. He's a regular climber just like Ruth. His language also continues to explode, he's working on more and more 2 word sentences. I'm so proud!

We've been looking for a dog for over a month. We've been visiting the animal shelter several times every week looking for the perfect pooch. We ended up going to a breeder in Boise to get our beautiful La Fille au Cheveau du'La (The Girl with the Flaxen Hair...a Debussy song). She's a 3 month old Golden Retriever, who we call La Fille. She's ADORABLE. And I mostly get all the positives and none of the negatives of owning a puppy since she's Brad's! Brad takes her out to pee, feeds her, walks her, takes her to work, etc. She's the perfect puppy too. She lays around when we're relaxing and is excited to play when we go out back. The timing this time around is impeccable, we're all happy to have her around, and not stressed out like we were with the first dog two years ago.