The latest occurrences in our family are not very happy. We have spent the last month looking forward to being pregnant. We are excited to have children but this pregnancy was not meant to be. Katie had a miscarriage last Saturday. Although we understand that it doesn't mean we won't have any children, it was still a sad and draining experience. We are on the bounce back now however, and have the opportunity to watch Lydia, our two year old niece and Joey, our one month old nephew. This adds a little light to the house and we enjoy playing with them. Lydia will pick up or leave on the floor anything she can reach. She also refuses to eat vegetables even with the enticement of a cookie. Joey does little but look around and make little noises. He looks just like his father Mr. Nate Nevins. Other than that we are both enjoying school and do little else. So I close this.