So we've been trying to get creative here to better help Will with school. He is fidgety. Since we're working on number recognition with him right now, I came up with a couple fun games to get him moving and focusing on numbers!
He picks a card, tells me what number it is and then we do that many jumping jacks, or count to that number while doing a wall sit (his favorite). (It's nice to get a mini-work out for me too!)
Today we played a game where he has two piles of cards. One pile has pictures of objects and the other pile has numbers. He has to count the object, match it to the number card in the other pile and then take a victory lap around the dining table, then repeat. He loved shouting as he ran around the table and this short break helped him get excited about focusing on counting again. He did a great job with counting the pictures of cats, cars, submarines, and other objects; he was careful and counted them all correctly! I played this same game with Ruth (with bigger numbers) to help her practice this skill. She had a hard time carefully counting each flower or star on her cards. It takes a lot of patience and focus to sit and count carefully!
Also, we went to a hockey game this weekend with Brian and Tia. It was super fun. Beforehand we went to Bookwalter (it's a winery...I had to tell the waiter 3 times that we really didn't want any wine!) for dinner. The food was killer; perfectly cooked meat, and fun yummy appetizers.