This is a can of chile. This can of chile when translated says: "Chili with meat with beans". One might say that my exposure to Mexican foods and phrases is simply the result of the location of my upbringing. I can agree with this but have to wonder why a national company doesn't have a single member of the staff that would look at that and say, "that's funny, why don't we just call it Chili con carne y frejoles, or Chili with meat and beans?" Nobody did and so here I am talking about it. I like to think that maybe there was a battle in the upper reaches of the company bureaucracy between a white man and a Latino. After much blood was spilled and lives were put in the balance, a white flag was raised and a compromise was made. Being a western family, love and compromise was essential for their happiness. The compromise is what you see on the can in the picture: Spanglish.

I remember returning from my mission in Brazil and hearing about the Atkins Diet that had swept the country during my absence. I laughed to myself. The trend however has only increased. To the right is an advertisement for nutrisystem. What I would like to bring to attention is the asterisks next to "Amy lost 23 lbs". you look at the note and it says "results not typical". To me this can mean one of two things: 1. people typically loose more or 2. they loose less. Which do you think it is? Good for Amy*
*Amy has an abnormally high metabolism and an experienced personal trainer. Do not attempt to compare yourself to her body type, nor natural appearance. Amy was chosen from a large group of failures to represent the company in this ad. Amy was also chosen as she is just prettier than the rest of the participants. The hamburger in the ad is actual size.