We had an amazing 4th of July. We drove up to Idaho Falls to spend the d

ay with Brad's wonderful Aunt Brenda and Uncle Val. We had such a great time catching up and hanging out all day. Then at about 9 pm we drove down to the river to watch them shoot off the fireworks. Apparently, this show is the biggest show west of the Mississippi! I was hoping that Ruth would just sleep through the whole thing, but since I had to get her up one hour after put

ting her down to bed, she was wide awake throughout the entire show. The funny thing is that she absolutely love watching the fireworks. She was just enchanted as she watched the different colors bursting in the sky. My favorite part of the

show was that the fireworks were choreographed to patriotic music. If you look in the pictures you can see that we were sitting in the middle of the street (we were sitting on the double yellow lines).
I have also been quilting, which is my new favorite thing. This is a picture of my first 4 squares, they look uneven as though they aren't square, that's just because of the angle I took the picture so all 4 squares would fit in the picture. Each square is about 22 inches, and the entire quilt will include 12 squares. I have been learning from some ladies down town at a really cool, locally owned fabric shop.

Ruth has been enjoying new foods, such as: cottage cheese, cucumbers, tomatoes, dill pickles (yes she does ENJOY pickles), scrambled eggs with hot sauce, goldfish crackers, saltines, black beans, and yogurt pretzels (she made a HUGE

mess with the yogurt pretzels). And this is my favorite picture of my favorite people.