Last night we had the Rand's over to carve pumpkins.

Here is what their two older boys and Ruth did whilst we carved away:

They were eating snickerdoodles behind the island so that we couldn't see them sneaking more cookies than we wanted them to eat! Too funny. I made the snickerdoodles that afternoon; it was nostaligic because I remember rolling the cookies with my mom. So it was really fun to have Ruth help me make them.
And here is the final product:

From left to right: mine (Jack-o-Lantern), Brad's (wind blown tree), Chelsea's (leaves) and Tyler's (train, as requested by the boys).
Ruth preparing for trunk-or-treating at church...6 hours early!

I decided last minute that I would dress up too, so here are the kitties:

My full costume included Will. Together we are a cat eating a baby owl:

And in final news I've lost another 2 pounds!