Our stupid bed is so stinking hard that I can no longer sleep on it due to pregnancy because I am suppose to sleep on my side which requires me to turn over every couple hours because the stupid bed creates horrible pressure points on my hips and makes my arms fall asleep (thus the necessity to w

ake up and turn over) which said turning causes shooting pains in my abdomen. So I've been sleeping on our couch, which is wonderfully squishy. Now I only wake up once or twice a night to readjust (and pee) which is a huge improvement over every other hour. The only down side is that I HATE going to bed in the living room, by myself, without being able to chat with my husband. In other words I want a new bed!
EDIT: I was re-reading this post and realized how freaking lucky I am that I have another option to sleep on that is better than the bed we have. Hello! I could be sleeping on a mat on the floor, or not even have a roof over my head like I'm sure some pregnant woman in Haiti is doing tonight! I am so thankful for the things I have!
In other news Ruth loves to play with her crayons and is obsessed with bubbles. She asks for them a million times a day. Then when I blow them she makes a blowing sound too, it's way cute.

I went to the doctor again today. I hate this part of pregnancy where I start gaining weight. Even though I keep telling myself that you're suppose to gain weight it's still such a strange mental struggle to go to the doctor every month and hear you're 5 pounds heavier! Baby boy...we have decided to wait on the official name pick because we're no longer certain that "William" is the right name for our guy...is now about 2 pounds and over a foot long and kicking a ton. I have noticed that he's a little shy though; when I would poke and prod Ruth she would always kick back, but this little guy stops all movement if I poke him back! Also, we have just 3 months left and I'm one week away from the 3rd trimester, hooray!