*dying my arm hair (if you've ever seen me you KNOW i have the nastiest, manliest, dark, thick arm hair. but when i dye it you can hardly notice it and it makes me feel so feminine to focus on the dainty freckles on my arms and not the gross hair). i haven't done this since we got married! yuck.
*painting my nails. in the last 4 days i've painted them TWICE
*exercising like a maniac. i've lost 3 pounds, i'm down to 182! today i jogged 2.5 miles straight, no walking allowed!
*insisting on quiet time. ruth doesn't nap anymore (her choice not mine) so i've implemented quiet time. i can't always keep her in one place so at the bare minimum she knows she has to leave me alone for at least an hour. yay! (this usually coincides with Will's nap time so i get to do whatever i want for at least an hour, woot!)
i've been so much happier and feel like such a better and more capable mom because i've been doing these things.