Ruth 7 years old
What do you want to be when you grow up? fireman
Who are your friends? Olivia and Zaya
Favorite game? Checkers
Favorite toy? BB gun
Favorite thing to do? color
Favorite food? lasagna
Favorite color? red
Favorite animal? hawk
What do you do all day? Play, color, nerf battles and clean
What does Dad do all day? He goes to Albuquerque and talks
with people from his business, he eats lunch and comes home.
What does Mom do all day? Plans anniversary trip, plays with
us and does school with us.
Will 5.5 years old
What do you want to be when you grow up? A mechanic that
builds robots and electric toys
Who are your friends? Isaach and Boston
Favorite game? Incan Gold
Favorite toy? Spinosaurus
Favorite thing to do? Ride scooter
Favorite food? Crunchy tacos
Favorite color? turqoise
Favorite animal? parrot
What do you do all day? Scooters, duplos, watch scripture
videos with Claire and Ruth
What does dad do all day? goes to work and eats out for
What does mom do all day? Work on projects on her phone,
make snowflakes and exercise
Claire 3.5 years old
What do you want to be when you grow up? A police
Who are your friends? Penny, Zach, Camilla and Paige
Favorite game? To play with stuffies
Favorite toy? Christmas Toys
Favorite food? Cheese tortilla
Favorite color? pink
Favorite animal? dogs
What do you do all day? Clean and play
What does dad do all day? Go to work and stay home and works
in his office
What does mom do all day? work on computer
Claire is still a little fireball. She’s very emotional and
loud and still throws a fit about eating food she doesn’t like. But she is also
definitely getting better. She has started to show an interest in words and
reading and asks what every sign says. Although she can be quite difficult she
is also always the first child to say thank you for special treats and outings.
Will struggles with doing school things he isn’t interested
in but is slowly coming along in reading. He is still very creative and loves
making little creations out of office supplies. Although he lacks some
motivation he can work very hard on projects that he comes up with. He loves to
meticulously copy words from books and can build any Lego set with
instructions. He’s also very creative with the Lego machines he creates on his
Ruth, as always, is more mature than her years. Since leaving
California she has missed the social scene she had and has enjoyed our outings
to Albuquerque so much. She is friendly and easily strikes up conversations
with other kids and adults. She’s trying her hardest to be mature and grown up
and ends up being bossy too often. But she is bright knows how to work hard. I'm sure she will be a great leader one day.