My mom got this little snow-suit for Ruth to wear that looks like a pink bear. I love this picture because it looks like she is growling. This face also reminds me of Mowgli from Disney's Jungle Book when he sees a girl for the first time. I put her in the suit so we could go on a walk to the post o

ffice and Smith's. I thought I'd try out putting her in the stroller without the carseat. She stayed awake for a lot more of the walk than normal because she could look around.

And of course I have to include another picture of Ruth in the bath. I decided I would start leaving her little blue tub inside the big tub because she makes a huge mess with all her splashing. She's also big enough that now I don't have to leave the little hammock in to support her, she can just sit up in it!
I dyed my hair red today, but you can't really tell in this picture. But the really exciting news is that Brad and I finally got a new bed set! We h

ad been using Brad's old one for the last three years and it had finally gotten so many tears and holes in it that we got a new one. And because I'm such a great bargain hunter we found this complete bed set for $35: originally $129! Hooray for the clearance aisle in Target.

As you can see, Ruth was the first to enjoy the new bed.