Gummy bear science. We hypothesized about the effects of water, salt water, and vinegar on red bears. Then we carefully measured the water and vinegar.
I wrote their hypothesis for each liquid under each tub. I'm excited to compare the results with their guesses.
Then we played don't eat Pete with the extra bears!
Sharp shooting number recognition
Smashing our paper mache from last week, super fun cause and effect
Here the kids are comparing their before and after gummy bears. The vinegar soaked bears got the biggest and the salt water bears got bigger but not much bigger. The kids compared how the bears looked, smelled and felt different. Then I told them to see if each of the bears tasted different than normal bears...this is the picture that came after that suggestion. Funny thing is that they were willing to try each of the bears, even though the first was so nasty! So fun.