December 28, 2016


 Christmas (Eve) Eve Vietnamese, Will can hardly stand how amazing his food is!

 We opened presents at Paula and Asa's house and enjoyed a long weekend hanging out with Brian and Tia's family.

 After spending two days eating some of the most amazing food I've ever had, we decided to drag everybody out into the wind for a Christmas hike. It was gorgeous...and freezing.

We all spent a lot of time playing with our new toys and enjoying each other's company

Tuesday Ruth got to fulfill one of her Christmas get her ears pierced. She was so excited and nervous that she squeezed Will's hand so hard he refused to continue to help. Her little ears look so cute with sparkly hearts in them.

1 comment:

Stephanie Dirks said...

1- I LOVE Ruth's jammies!!! SO CUTE!!! I think I need some for each of my kids. Except for next year. And possibly myself.

2- You look so fantastic in the picture with Ruth. So pretty!

3- Claire doesn't even look like a little girl anymore, her face has become so grown up looking the past few months. She was just a BABY!!! Time is just cruising on by, isn't it!

Miss you! Merry Christmas, my friend!!! And Happy New Year!!!!!