Last night we had the Rand's over to carve pumpkins.

Here is what their two older boys and Ruth did whilst we carved away:

They were eating snickerdoodles behind the island so that we couldn't see them sneaking more cookies than we wanted them to eat! Too funny. I made the snickerdoodles that afternoon; it was nostaligic because I remember rolling the cookies with my mom. So it was really fun to have Ruth help me make them.
And here is the final product:

From left to right: mine (Jack-o-Lantern), Brad's (wind blown tree), Chelsea's (leaves) and Tyler's (train, as requested by the boys).
Ruth preparing for trunk-or-treating at church...6 hours early!

I decided last minute that I would dress up too, so here are the kitties:

My full costume included Will. Together we are a cat eating a baby owl:

And in final news I've lost another 2 pounds!
Wow, where do I start. First, Tyler wins on the pumpkins, and the kids win on putting one over two sets of parents. Just tell the owl to fly like the wind, cuz the cat looks hungry. Ruthie looks sooo cute.
Ruth makes a cute cat. I wondered when I gave you that bag of clothes what you would ever do with that dress. It was perrrrrfect!
William is almost 6 months old? Holy grandma heart just wants to squeeze those two before they get any bigger. So I send hugs and squeezes threw the computer.
They are both so cute and you are wonderful. Congrats on 2 more pounds.
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