I just got home from volleyball
Brad just went to work
The kids are both asleep in their respective beds (which means Will is FINALLY not in MY bed)

Boudicca has stopped barking because I took her a teddy bear to keep her company (we just bought her a crate so she can be a nearly always inside doggy: she LOVES it)
And I've been thinking about conference (our church's general conference was last weekend):

Brad made a disc of all the sessions as well as some older talks by apostles and prophets so we could listen to it in the car. To and from volleyball I was listening to a talk by President Benson, which was brought up twice in this last conference. It's all about following the prophet and the power that our living prophet has.

One of the things that really stuck out to me was that he said that the world wishes that the world wishes the prophets were dead or would mind their own business. At first this made me laugh. Then I realized that I need to be better at knowing what the living Prophet, Thomas S. Monson, tells us and then act on it.

I've also been working on not being ashamed of who I am, the Church I belong to, and the things I do that may seem strange to others because of my desire to be a good LDS person. I haven't discussed much in the way of spiritual things on my blog because I was worried someone would think it was weird, or not sure that it was the right venue to bare my soul. I have realized that it was partially because I was ashamed. I have a testimony that we have a living Prophet who receives inspiration to help lead and guide the people of the world. I am not ashamed to say that I go to church, I am part of an organization called Relief Society, I participate in sacred ordinances in the Lord's temple, and I am sealed to my family for eternity. I believe in Christ; that he died so that I can repent of my sins and live with Heavenly Father again. These are my basic beliefs. If you want to learn more about what Mormons believe, either ask me, a missionary or go to
This is who I am, Katie; a mommy, a Mormon, a married woman.