William had his check up today. He weighs 14 pounds 14 ounces and is 25 1/4 inches long, which are both in the 50th percentiles. His head remains in the 5th percentile. The doctor said that other than having slightly sensitive skin that he is perfect, her words!
At 4 months William is healthy and happy. He LOVES to stand up and suck on his binki. He has started cooing a lot which is adorable. And he has also started paying close attention to Ruth. He laughs really hard when she gives him attention. Ruth is also really sweet with him, and walks by him and gives him kisses without me prompting her to do so. He smiles a lot and has started drooling a ton. We think he's working on some teeth, but none have shown up yet. He's a sweet boy, mild tempered and only cranky when he's hungry or has just gotten his immunizations. He's gotten over his growing spurt (where he was feeding every 2-3 hours, including during the night) and has started napping again, as well as only waking up at midnight and 6 to eat.
I know everyone says this about their children, but I really can't imagine life without our William Knight. He has taught all of us things about ourselves and has brightened our world. We love you Will.
1 comment:
We do too, only wish we were closer so we could hug you all.
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