This girl took a while to be interested in speaking English, but her vocabulary has exploded the past few weeks. She now has over 100 individual words she says, the most impressive among them being helicopter and elephant. She also uses phrases like, "There we go," "I'll be back," and "Where are you?" and a few others. She has also mastered sulking and screaming. One of the funniest things she does is tell inanimate objects to "stop it!" Case in point, the other day her straw was not cooperating with her and she told it several times to "STOP IT!"
September 26, 2010
This Boy and This Girl
This girl took a while to be interested in speaking English, but her vocabulary has exploded the past few weeks. She now has over 100 individual words she says, the most impressive among them being helicopter and elephant. She also uses phrases like, "There we go," "I'll be back," and "Where are you?" and a few others. She has also mastered sulking and screaming. One of the funniest things she does is tell inanimate objects to "stop it!" Case in point, the other day her straw was not cooperating with her and she told it several times to "STOP IT!"
What fun, I soooo wish we were closer.
A tooth!!! Wow. Love the "stop it" -- SOOO cute :)
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