It's true, I tried to get rid of our dog. Boudicca had been chewing everything, jumping over the fence and just generally being annoying. So I posted her on Craigslist and an hour later I had 3 responses. So the next day this weird couple come to our house to meet the puppy and they decided they didn't want her. Well in all the convincing of them to take the pup off our hands we managed to convince ourselves of all of her merits, i.e. she doesn't bark, she's great on walks, and is gentle with the kiddos. So we decided to keep the dog. But we knew we would have to make changes if we were all going to be happy. The main thing is that I realized although the dog is not one of our children, she does have to be part of the family. That means I need to get over not wanting to spend any money on her and yes...she is allowed inside to spend time with us. So far these changes have made all the difference. And we've been getting outside with her a lot more too.
One of the first things we did after deciding to keep the dog was turn on a sprinkler and run around in the backyard with the water on. We all had a blast.
This last weekend we started painting the kitchen cupboards. They were uber ugly. This picture is Friday night after the cupboards were taken off so I could clean them in preparation for the painting. Also take note of the mirror above the sink.
We only had time to get the top cupboards done, it still took 6+ hours. This coming Saturday we're gonna do the bottom cupboards and finish the island as well as the pantry doors. Eventually we want to do black counter tops.
And finally, I have also lost another two pounds, I'm down to 195! Oh, and the other week when we went up to Idaho Falls we saw a tornado! Oh, and another thing I forgot to mention is that tiny little bats live in the Mammoth Cave we visited, they only weigh half an ounce!
Holy cow, can't paint do amazing things! I'm glad you're loosing, Go Katie Go!
Love the cuboards! They look amazing. Congrats on the weight loss- that always feels so good!
I recognize that mirror! I'm glad you could put it to cute use.
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