I've decided to blog about my weight because I need extra motivation. I am about to embark on a 55 pound weight loss battle and I need all the help I can get. I've read in several places that women who return to work are more successful at losing weight than stay at home moms. The reason for this is because women who return to the work place feel more pressure to look good and to fit back into their old work clothes because they have an "audience." So, blogging will create an audience for me to help me stay motivated.
I was weighed as I entered the hospital and rung in at 220, YIKES. Luckily, or unfortunately (depending on how you look at it) that is only 8 pounds more than what I started this pregnancy at. I am currently down 6 pounds which means I am only 2 pounds from pre-pregnancy weight. Funnily, I'm not very happy about that. Over the last 4 years of marriage I stopped exercising and eating poorly which these other 50+ pounds are the result. My goal weight is 160, which is still technically one point into the "overweight" category on the BMI chart, but when I was 160 I felt good, I think I looked cute, and all my favorite jeans are a size 12...so that is my goal. I also think it's very practical, I still have to lose 55 pounds to get there and that is a ton of weight.
I occasionally feel overwhelmed with the amount of weight I need to lose, but I know it's possible. I've also read in several places that a woman's body after pregnancy is the perfect vessel to lose weight, because it is the only time in your life that your body WANTS to lose weight. I feel like it's now or never.
My plan is to follow the "Body After Baby" book that outlines exercises and very specific eating plan with lots of yummy sounding recipes. I like this plan because it is tailored for breast feeding moms, i.e. the recipes are fast, easy, very nutritious, helps to maintain your milk supply, and good for the entire family. (So, with luck Brad will lose a few pounds too.) After 6 weeks postpartum I will also begin a more aggressive exercise routine. I'm not exactly sure what this will entail other than an hours worth of very active movement at least 5 times a week.
I feel really nervous about pushing that "Publish Post" button because it means that I'm really going to have to follow through with this. But I know that this is what I want to do for my kids but mostly for me. I want to be active so my kids don't have a boring, fat mom who can't play with them. But mostly I'm doing this for me. I deserve to look and feel good. I know that losing weight will give me confidence to do and try other things as well. As Denise Austen would say, "I'm strong, I'm beautiful, I'm fit!"
(Oh yeah. I posted the above picture because I was ridiculously excited that I could fit into those jeans. They are NOT maternity jeans, and I am 9 days postpartum. I am still wearing a maternity top so that my squidgy belly isn't as noticeable...but still, 9 days and I'm comfortably into pre-pregnancy jeans! Woo!)
you are incredible! you can totally do it. i'll be cheering you on!
*ps, you look great - how exciting that you can fit into prepregnancy jeans 9 days postpartum, i definitely couldn't say that!
I started at 60 pounds to loose and now I don't know where I am. So you, me, mom, and Julian can all cheer each other on. I read about exercise and the best kind for wieght loss and I have loved it: You do sprints on a bike: 30 seconds peddling as fast as possible, then 90 seconds at a normal rate. do 8 sprints with 2 minutes warm up and 2 minutes cool down. This gets a certain hormone (I don't remember what it's called) going really strong and it's the one that causes wieght loss, the hormone stay going for 2 hours after as long as you eat no grain or sugar. Then it stays somewhat strong the rest of the day. I do it first thing and then have eggs and veggies or smoothie for breakfast. I feel so good and when I started doing this I really started to notice a difference! maybe this will be good for you. Oh, and it's on one of those squatty bikes, not the upright ones. Yay Katie! next time we see each other we'll both be so hot! we're so hot now!
good for you for even putting jeans ON! i was in sweats for 3 months at least.
you will do a great job! i'll be cheering for you, as well. hopefully this will be motivation for me to take care of my body, as well. i've never been one to do that.
Prayers and Cheers from me! You're gonna do it, I Know!
Love from Santa Fe.
Kate, you are so awesome! I think it's so great that you are blogging about this journey. I know that overwhelming feeling. It's hard. So, so hard, but I'm excited to follow your progress and hopefully gain some tips and ideas from your experience! I love you!
was looking at your blog. . .you guys live too far away!!!!
love your guts.
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