Today we picked out our carpet for our house!!!! We've been looking around at lots of places and today we made our final pick and are so excited! We also found out from the appraiser that we DON'T have to put in an egress window in our basement so we have the money to re-carpet the whole house, yay!
Also, I am very happy because tonight for dinner we had a vegetarian meal; roasted red potatoes, roasted sweet potatoes and roasted carrots with brown lentils and cheesy french bread. Brad was a little skeptical when I told him dinner was going to be vegetarian but we were both very pleased with the flavors and how full we were when we finished! Yum.

Also, Ruth and I have had a rough past few days. She hasn't been napping or sleeping very well, which means I haven't been either...and that means we've both been cranky. Today was the climax with both of us losing our tempers. I decided to try and remedy the situation by sharing some Eggos...and it

worked! After we finished our peanut butter laden waffles I cleaned off Ruth's hands and pulled her out of her highchair. As soon as she was out she grabbed my hand and led me back to her room so we could play back there and she could look out the window. I was so touched by her innocence and love and how willing she was to play and be happy and forget the rough day we'd had. I appreciate these simple lessons I get to learn from her, and look forward to many more.
Don't forget the protein when eating veggie: beans with rice, nuts, tempeh, tofu.
It is amazing how much love can come out of a little child, even when you don't seem to have any left. We have much to learn from them.
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