She's one year old! We had a great time yesterday opening presents and playing with the wrapping paper. Some things about Ruth at 1:
*She has been walking for a couple weeks. She ventures out on her own without any prompting. It's so fun to watch her do her open-mouthed zombie walk from the coffee table to the desk...or wherever she's headed.
*She has become a pickier eater. She no longer eats apples or bread! She loves raisins, fruit leather, spaghetti, mandarin oranges, cottage cheese, bananas and yogurt.
*She loves to bang things. Whenever she can snag silverware she bangs it on every surface possible.
*Ruth loves books. We sit and read books for hours every day. I lay them out on the floor and have her pick the ones she wants. She brings the book back to me, climbs on my lap and if she really likes the book she requests it to be read several times in a row. Current book favorites include "Mr. Brown," "Moo, Baa, LaLaLa," and "The Foot Book."
*She's started to play the give and take game where she shows me something and gives it to me, then takes it back. I always say "thank you" after she gives me something, and she's started to mimic those words.
*I've stopped counting how many teeth she has because she is constantly getting new ones. Last I counted it was 9, but I know she got two more molars and a couple of her canines are coming in now!
*She has become much more social than she used to be. At the store she loves to wave to people (especially cashiers). I always feel sad when she's waving someone down and they're too busy to notice her as they walk by! She also loves to use her little hand to point at things: well she doesn't really point, she uses her entire hand to locate objects. Her favorite thing to "point" at is the clock.
*She's great at drinking out of her sippy now. It usually contains water, so when I'm sneaky and fill it with juice or whole milk she gulps it down really fast!
*She's started groovin' to music now which has made us laugh so hard. She has always seemed to like music, especially at church. We spend time every day singing songs, and if she's upset "Give, said the Little Stream" is sure to calm her down.
We're just in love with her and are so glad we've had her for a whole year. She's got such a personality now that is so fun to watch grow. We love your Ruth!
1 comment:
Happy happy happy Birthday Ruth!!!
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