We had a really great Saturday. First we drove around Mt. Hood with my parents (it was suppo

sedly the "bloom festival" but none of the orchards had any flowers on them). Then we ate a big yummy lunch with pasta salad and mini sandwiches and strawberries and chocolate. Then we went to the Rhododendron garden near Reed College. It was so beautiful and we took lots of really great pictures. It was the perfect day too, which is lucky in Oregon; it was around 7o degrees and sunny! When we got back to my parent's house we ate home made sausage and mushroom pizza. Then they watched Ruth while Brad and I bummed around Wal-Mart and bought 188 diapers. We all watched Saboteur, a Hitchcock and then drove home. It was such a pleasant and relaxing day.
Oh my goodness, that is like the cutest outfit I've ever seen on a baby girl. Hey, we want to have you guys and Megan & Joey over sometime for dinner, so let's figure out when would be a good time. Heck, let's invite your parents too and make a big party out of it :) Send me an email with what might work for you. Or if you don't have that, you can always use the "contact us" through our website. http:// wintersteam (dot) org.
I love the picture with Ruth and the shoes!! its so unique! I wondered if you guys were going to run into my parents during their visit up there, I'm glad you did! All the laws guys seem so grizzled and gruff, but really they are all big softies!! If you are ever headed this way know that you have somewhere you can stay!
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