I am once again connected to the world wide web. I have missed you for the last week as we traveled to Oregon, unpacked, met my new boss and several strange tenants, gotten sick, cured diaper rash and begun feeding solid foods. Ruth and I are completely settled except for 2 boxes of books that we have no shelf room for! Today my relief society president came over to visit and is totally amazing. And I just got a call from another young mom in the ward, Eliza, who is coming over tomorrow to visit! Yay for friendly people. In a few hours my older brother will be here to deliver my new washer and dryer (well I bought them used and refurbished, but they're new to me)! Have I mentioned that I once again have the internet...ha ha ha. Living for a week without it has been hard! Especially since my stupid phone keeps dying for no reason...no dead zones, HA, try my apartment Verizon!
So here is a picture of our living room. The room in the back with the filing cabinet and baby swing will soon have our dining room table and to the right of that room is our kitchen.

So the adventures of solid food eating have begun. Yesterday was a mess, it was like the scene in Beauty and the Beast where the Beast picks up his bowl of porridge and scarfs it down and has food all over his face and slopped it on the table. Today was much improved, she learned very quickly that she doesn't get food if she puts her hands in her mouth. And I could really tell that she likes the rice cereal because every time I took the spoon away she would whine until I brought it back and she would slurp it all down.
Here is a video of another thing Ruth has started doing since moving to Oregon.
Oh! In other really exciting baby news, yesterday Ruth took a 3 hour nap! YES! And then she went to bed at 9 pm and slept until 4, do the math that is 7 blissful hours of uninterrupted sleep...because yes I also went to bed as soon as she did. After she ate she slept until 7:30. I almost feel like a normal person again. And I have time to do things around the house...oh yeah, and my job!
1 comment:
yay for good sleep! i promise one day you will feel normal again though it takes a bit. i think once your baby starts sleeping through the night somewhat regularly is when it starts (max still wakes up sometimes but when will we ever have a kid who doesn't wake up, right?). love the new apartment! that's so cool that you don't have to pay rent!! when does your hubby get to join you?
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