So Ruth is a baby, and being such her sleeping schedule changes often. She sleeps a lot of the day and usu

ally sleeps through the night. A typical night goes as follows: Ruth sleeps from 9 to 10 and then is very awake and playful until midnight. She eats for about half an hour and then wants to be rocked and held until at least 1 am when I can put her down in her bed. Once down she sleeps until about 5 when she wants to eat and then falls immediately to sleep again. Although it can be frustrating to not go to bed until so late I have come to truly appreciate these nights when she sleeps. An a-typical night happened a few nights ago when Ruth, instead of being rocked to sleep decided she wanted to stay awake and watch the Jon and Kate Plus 8 marathon until 4 am. Nights like this make me truly grateful for her 1 am nights.
Last night we had an a-typical sleeping night, but not as described above. It all started out like normal, around midnight she got hungry so I fed her and then started rocking her to sleep. Once I thought she was ready to be put down I did so. However, the second she was in bed she woke up (also normal...she doesn't seem to like her crib very much). I let her cry for a few minutes but it soon became apparent that she was not going to calm down or fall asleep. So I picked her up and resigned myself to another long night, hoping there was another Jon and Kate Plus 8 marathon on TLC. I put Ruth down on the couch in the back room and realized I didn't have my water bottle. I went back to our bedroom to snag my bottle off the night stand and went back to the other room. When I got there this is what I found.

Yes, this is Ruth, sleeping away. It took her no more than 10 seconds, from the tim

e I put her down and returned, to fall asleep. Why couldn't she fall asleep in the crib? Why was the couch apparently so much more comfortable? I have no idea! But I sure think this girl is cute. The other nice thing is that she slept all the way until 7 this morning! 1:30 to 7...I sure liked that. This is a close up of what she looked like all curled up on the couch. I guess she's a lot like me, I love taking naps on the couch, sometimes it's so much better than going to bed.
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