Ruth had to go to her 2 month check up and get the dreaded immunizations. I really didn't know what to expect because she is so calm about everything. I thought she might just sleep through the shots. However that didn't happen...she was definitely wide awake. The nurse really knew what she was doing though, it took a total of 2 seconds to get all three shots into her thighs. After the first shot Ruth's entire face turned bright red. After the second shot she started to whine and after the third shot she started crying. She was really upset and this was really hard for me to handle because Ruth NEVER cries or gets upset. I was so sad for her...especially since the nurse made me hold down Ruth's arms! She got over it in about a minute and we went to Wendy's and Target to spend the rest of our afternoon hours. However that evening she started to get really fussy, almost hysterical crying for minutes at a time. The doctor said that increased fussiness, tiredness and a fever were side-effects that many babies experience after getting immunizations. So the fussiness was to be expected. However, when I went to change her diaper I realized the reason she was so upset is because I had left her in her huge sweater (seen below)! Once I'd stripped her down to the diaper she was happy as a clam! Silly mommy!
Also at the doctor's we found out that Ruth weighs 12 1/2 pounds and is 23 1/2 inches long, this means she is in the 80th percentile for height and weight and the 30th percentile for head circumference. She has gotten better at body control and has really strong legs she can hold herself up with. She has also mastered the letter "o!"
1 comment:
Aren't shot days the worst? Reece just had her four month shots, and she did not do so well!
Ruth is absolutely adorable! Being a mom really suits you! :) Isn't it the best??
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