December 12, 2008

The Many Faces of Ruth

I have been told all my life that I am horrible at hiding my exactly what I'm thinking comes out in my facial expressions even if I didn't want it to. I believe this is something my daughter has inherited. Just look at the evidence!

This is Ruth smiling, I couldn't believe I caught this on camera!

This is Ruth showing her disapproval, first by sticking out her tongue and then by sticking up her out she's a tough cookie!


Kelsey said...

Yeah!! I'm glad your back to blogging!! Ruth is beautiful and I loved being able to see her at the baby shower-what a good idea! Have a Merry Christmas!


Shaunel said...

thanks for inviting me to your blog and your shower! Ruth is adorable, and that's totally one of my favorite names. If I can convince Mark that "baby ruth" wouldn't be something bad, I might use it also :)
Hope all is well!

Tia Laws said...

Yay for putting up your dukes! Lydia keeps saying that she wants to come play with Baby Ruth...she even packed her little back pack with toys and said she was going to take them to your house to play with Baby Ruth.