Since becoming a stay at home mom-to-be, I have begun channeling my Molly home-maker, i.e. my two new desires in life is to become a master baker and get a sewing machine so I can make my kids clothes and costumes. Much of this is the "nesting" syndrome pregnant women tend to get, i.e. preparing for baby by setting up the crib and getting everything ready for her arrival. I have definitely been going through that, every day I seem to go out and spend a few dollars on organizational equipment or other baby odds and ends. But my crafty side has been coming out as well. Brad and I inherited a rocking chair (as we have most of our furniture, i.e. desk, book shelf, guest bed, dining table, and desk well as two house plants...that I killed) from Brian and Tia. It's a great chair, but didn't have any seat cushions. I went to Walmart looking for some cheap cushions, but to get a seat and back cushion it would have been $20-$40 depending on how cushy I wanted the cushion to be. Then I found 4 square pieces of seat cushion foam for $7, so I bought that, a spool of white thread, 21 feet of white satin ribbon and headed home. (I didn't buy fabric because I had a white skirt that had a big old hole in the back...thus I saved fabric expenses by

recycling my old skirt!) I got to work as soon as I got home, cutting up my skirt, sewing the corners of the foam so they'd stay together, fitting the foam into an old pillow case then sewing up the edges and attaching the ribbon. It took me two days, mostly because I don't have a sewing machine! But I have now finished. My proudest moment was when I unveiled my sewing project to Brad and he just kept saying how impressed he was with my "hidden talent." I guess he didn't know I could sew. I love being a stay at home mom-to-be (in two weeks just mom)!
I have also been so glad that I am married to a real man. The kind of man who knows how to fix things and move heavy stuff. Sunday as I was feeling a great desire to finally put up Ruth's sleeping arrangements Brad's manliness came in handy. First he moved the piano into the bedroom (covering the air conditioner) until it is picked up by his mom (we never use it), then he moved the bookshelf from the bedroom out to where the piano was. Then he moved the dresser farther down the wall to make room for the crib. Unfortunately my measuring skills aren't quite up to par...we needed at least another 1/2 inch for it to fit in that space. Then Brad cleared out the left side of the closet and put the crib in there...sounds really weird but actually works perfectly. Then he pulled out our other set of shelves, put them together and set them up in the space originally meant for the crib. All-in-all it was a ton of work that he made look easy. He also recently took the sink disposal apart and fixed it, WOW! He is truly great and talented, so smart and loving...could I ask for anything more!
I love being a woman and I love that my husband is such a man! I love that we have our separate roles in our family and that we both fulfill them and enjoy them. This may all be stereotypical and strange, but these things truly bring me joy. And my role as pregnant mother-to-be is over in two weeks and two days...for which I am truly looking forward to!
wow! i am impressed - especially since you did that by must have been dying!! it looks great!
So now Ruth can be like Joey and spend her first months of life sleeping in a closet!
I can't believe you sewed those beautiful cushions without a sewing machine!! Your like wonder woman!! though I don't think rocking chair cushions were part of her job. That just brings us back to the whole "men and women" thing doesn't it? I love my manly man too.
I miss you! Sounds like you're having a good time getting ready for Ruth...I can't believe she is almost here and even better - I get to see her for Christmas. Congrats on your sewing adventure, your chair looks comfy-cozy. luvs, megs
I just voted on your poll and I hope I'm right (although you probably hope I'm wrong...I said Nov 23rd). :) I hope all is well and I can't wait to see pictures of your little baby Ruth!
I can't wait to see you guys, and Ruthie too. Can Brad really pick up a piano?
The rocking chair looks wonderful! You'll enjoy it so much when Baby Ruth arrives! (Love, Mom)
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