This morning we arose at 5:17 am to acquaint ourselves with nature. We drove up to Sundance and embarked on a 4 mile hike to see a nearby waterfall. Katie dared not to venture down to the river as I, and was rewarded with rest and a bit more cleanliness. I scurried around the rocks looking for something not yet seen by human eyes and only found myself in danger. I owe my current health to a little stick that preserved me from falling. The hike back was a bit more relaxed and we drove home praising ourselves for finishing an activity before we would have normally been awake. We think ourselves tough and in-touch with nature now as we nestle ourselves on a couch next to a computer, listening to music. We'll use our stoves, sleep in our beds, cook in our microwaves and occasionally visit the outdoors when school and work schedules allow. For now however, we are in touch and have been touched by the glorious feeling of sunrises, forest and waterfalls early in the morning. I should allow Katie to complete this...
Mostly it was really great to be outside again. While Brad was Mountain Goatin' it up I sat on the top of the world, looking down at beautiful mountains and the waterfall. I also found lots of caterpillar friends! Anyways, it was a blast to run around outside and get some great exercise in the great outdoors!
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