Saturday we headed out to White Sands on the way home. We were exceptionally grateful that it was only 65 degrees out there! We attempted cardboard sledding down the dunes, but it was pretty unsuccessful. Either way we enjoyed an hours worth of basking in the sand and sun and then we were ready for some lunch.
April 30, 2016
Las Cruces/White Sands
Brad had work to do down in Las Cruces so we all tagged along to get some sunshine! We had a really great visit with Julian and Ashley's family going swimming at the hotel pool and hanging out at their house.
Saturday we headed out to White Sands on the way home. We were exceptionally grateful that it was only 65 degrees out there! We attempted cardboard sledding down the dunes, but it was pretty unsuccessful. Either way we enjoyed an hours worth of basking in the sand and sun and then we were ready for some lunch.
Saturday we headed out to White Sands on the way home. We were exceptionally grateful that it was only 65 degrees out there! We attempted cardboard sledding down the dunes, but it was pretty unsuccessful. Either way we enjoyed an hours worth of basking in the sand and sun and then we were ready for some lunch.
April 24, 2016
Ruth and School
Ruth has really enjoyed projects recently. For a couple weeks she was in a kite building phase, then it was a learning to roller-blade phase, then a short tinkering phase and most recently she's been working on an "Under the Sea" book that she's typing and illustrating. She's also mastered multiplication for numbers zero through five and ten. The other day Will was counting how many legs are in our family and he miscounted and said there were 9 legs. Ruth was super happy to tell him that 5 x 2 is 10 because there are five people and we all have two legs. She's also been working on money and adding with money and decimals. She still reads like a champion and has blasted through several books, most recently she finished "Ella Enchanted," so we could watch the movie. She has thoroughly enjoyed going to her weekly science class so she can chat and make friends (she was ecstatic last week because another girl asked her to stay after class and play at the playground, which of course we did). She has also been showing tons of interest in cooking and baking and made several batches of cookies completely on her own. She also has been practising chopping and dicing vegetables. Ruth has also really been embracing her big sister roll, which is something I've really tried hard to work on with her (she tends to be more bossy than nurturing...wonder where that came from?). She also loves playing games and making perler bead designs to show off to her friends at church.
Ruth had the great idea to make a teapot out of an old water gallon and a water bottle. We used the hot glue gun to make the spout...and then we just had to have a dress-up tea party! We just had a MAAAAHVELOUS time!
Ruth had the great idea to make a teapot out of an old water gallon and a water bottle. We used the hot glue gun to make the spout...and then we just had to have a dress-up tea party! We just had a MAAAAHVELOUS time!
Claire and School
Claire is still the most dramatic and difficult of our children. But she is also the most grateful and physically loving of the kids. She enjoys being a helper and working together with anyone in the family and has become a much better picker-upper during chore time. The biggest obstacle we've been trying to overcome is her eating habits. She has been very picky and she has thrown the biggest tantrums over food. But as she gets older she has learned to power through the food she doesn't like so she can get it over with. She and I have had a lot of fun on Tuesdays (when Ruth and Will are at a class at the Explora Museum) playing with all the exhibits and spending some alone time. She hasn't shown much interest in mathematics yet, aside from playing with the manipulatives that we have. But she is proving to be as precocious as Ruth in the reading arena. She knows all the upper and lower case letters and the sounds they make. This week she has started sounding out words, essentially reading ... her first word was "kids." She has also finally mastered her colors and knows most of the shapes. Claire loves going to primary; she has the most wonderful teacher and a great little girl friend in her class. She is also still totally in love with babies of all kinds and has really started the make-believe stage where every day she is a different animal (today it was a wild hunter dog puppy from a documentary we watched).